The ATNC is a 3-day course for registered nurses, paramedics* and ODPs*. It follows the patient journey from preparing for their arrival, through the resuscitation phase of their care. It provides an opportunity to develop the knowledge, skill and attitude necessary to care for the trauma patient and is recognized as an appropriate preparation for achieving Level 2 National Major Trauma Nursing Competencies (NMTNG 2016).
The ETC course brings together all specialities regularly engaged in the initial reception of major trauma patients, to learn and teach together as a team. Our course includes the technical and non technical skills required to optimise care of this group of patients. Successful completion fulfils level 2 NMTNG criteria.
APLS provides the knowledge and skills necessary for recognition, effective treatment and stabilisation of children with life threatening emergencies, using a structured, sequential approach. The course and its principles are practiced throughout the world, and over 83,000 candidates have completed the course since its inception in 1998.